This blog is meant to record my readings and reflections from books. It is amazing how much books can teach or speak into your life!

Currently reading...
my own writings.. ;)

Reading list
Mister God, this is Anna
A Little Princess (thx FK!)
more Coelho's books
Tony Parson's books

February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
November 2005
October 2008
July 2011


Sunday, May 08, 2005

In one day, I finished a book by a French writer Kochka. I picked it up from the library shelf because the cover spoke to me. And true enough, it was a book about autistic children, and one thing it ties in similarity to Matt Haddon's is that it has a dog in the storyline. A very simple tale that doesn't revolve so much about how the child thinks, but rather how the people around the child are affected, and how they see the child. Matt Haddon's speaks of the inner world looking out, this will be the other way round. I really wonder, am I up to looking after one of these children?

I gave up on W. Somerset Maugham. Both Sin Min and I agreed that he's boring. I could not get past 3 pages without much re-reading. Somehow the story just fell void and I had to re-read to catch back what it was that I just read. That's bad. I have never come across a classical writer that I find impossible to read. Well, Maugham would be my first then.

The library @ esplanade will have some art festival looming up. Sad thing is that it is on a day that I would not be in Singapore, else I would very much love to go. It's on 21 May, an event they call Open Mic May. They will have a selection of music, dance and art. There, I have done my part as an active NLB member to publicize their events on my blog. *grinz. Other than that, their recommendation for books this month is good too: Tangerine by Colin Cheong (who used to be a GP tutor in my college VJC, not too sure if he's still there now), and even Lee Harper's To Kill a Mockingbird. Now, I only have to sneak up really quietly to make a good catch of this book.

posted by lil piggie at 10:04 AM
