This blog is meant to record my readings and reflections from books. It is amazing how much books can teach or speak into your life!

Currently reading...
my own writings.. ;)

Reading list
Mister God, this is Anna
A Little Princess (thx FK!)
more Coelho's books
Tony Parson's books

February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
November 2005
October 2008
July 2011


Sunday, May 08, 2005

In one day, I finished a book by a French writer Kochka. I picked it up from the library shelf because the cover spoke to me. And true enough, it was a book about autistic children, and one thing it ties in similarity to Matt Haddon's is that it has a dog in the storyline. A very simple tale that doesn't revolve so much about how the child thinks, but rather how the people around the child are affected, and how they see the child. Matt Haddon's speaks of the inner world looking out, this will be the other way round. I really wonder, am I up to looking after one of these children?

I gave up on W. Somerset Maugham. Both Sin Min and I agreed that he's boring. I could not get past 3 pages without much re-reading. Somehow the story just fell void and I had to re-read to catch back what it was that I just read. That's bad. I have never come across a classical writer that I find impossible to read. Well, Maugham would be my first then.

The library @ esplanade will have some art festival looming up. Sad thing is that it is on a day that I would not be in Singapore, else I would very much love to go. It's on 21 May, an event they call Open Mic May. They will have a selection of music, dance and art. There, I have done my part as an active NLB member to publicize their events on my blog. *grinz. Other than that, their recommendation for books this month is good too: Tangerine by Colin Cheong (who used to be a GP tutor in my college VJC, not too sure if he's still there now), and even Lee Harper's To Kill a Mockingbird. Now, I only have to sneak up really quietly to make a good catch of this book.

posted by lil piggie at 10:04 AM


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Veronika Decides to Die rocked my fundamental belief. For once, I ponder and ask myself: Yea, God, why did You? Knowing that by putting the tree in the garden of Eden, actually pointing out exactly which tree was the one, surely God, You led man to their inevitable fall. Again the argument of free will and God's sovereignty came to mind. I used to be able to say that God gave man free will to decide. And yet God is sovereign, so He fore-knew what was, is and will happen. Then the way Coelho put it out, it suddenly dawned upon me what a cruel game God could be playing with his creation. Surely He is God Almighty, surely if anyone is to pull such a trick on us people, He is the one. My reading of the minor prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible did not help either. It further showed me how cruel God could be.

Then again, as cruel as we may think God is, let's not forget to consider from our side. The eye may be so blind to see what lies beyond, and fails to see what lies within. And it is very much so that God knew what lies within each and everyone of us. His Spirit searches and knows the inner depths of our hearts. So God knew man would fall. Even if there was no tree, somehow man would find a way; his pride could not be concealed. God made man His perfect creation, in His perfect image. Man chose to see his own reflection, and failed to see God's creation inside himself. Man wanted to rise up, and be like God. That was how the serpent lured Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

If there is one thing that history shows us, it is how again and again we have failed to live the life God intended us to. We fall into a continuous vicious cycle of wickedness and bitterness, for pride's sake. That was why God came into the picture during Israel time, and how He had brought disaster, famine into the nation; and how He had divided up the land. Even though I came to a point to ask God, hey, didn't you promise during Noah's time that you would not bring about such destruction to your people? I realise that such a measure had to be dealt out. Else, man would very much be as good as dead. This was God's wake-up call to the people, to His people who He still loves very much.

I remember once someone gave testimony and said that we should stop to ask "How could you, God?" to all the sufferings, to all the injust you may find in this world. Change your angle, and feel how He feels, when He allows such a thing to happen. How a loving parent would suffer a greater extent!

I still love the book, simple and perhaps predictable as the plot may be. The same message can be found there: the awareness of death can bring about the awareness of life. And I cherish the thoughts that Veronika has been given a second chance in living, and that of really living.

posted by lil piggie at 10:33 PM
